"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."

Get to Know Us

All Rural Development and Social Construction Society (ARUDECS) is a not-for-profit development organization striving for bringing sustainable development in the lives of marginalized communities. It works with Adivasi, Dalit and marginal farming communities in Theni District, Tamil Nadu. ARUDECS works for building community based governance and local self-reliance. ARUDECS is working to ensure that all citizens can access rights, justice, knowledge and resources. It supports disadvantaged and marginalized communities to build their capacities, access benefits from mainstream institutions and promote sustainable development. ARUDECS supports effective implementation of Panchayat Raj Act and the Forest Rights Act.

ARUDECS was founded in 1989 by young social workers to focus on communal harmony and gender equality in the rural and tribal areas. Since 2004, ARUDECS has been working for protecting and supporting the development of the Paliyan Tribes in Southern Tamil Nadu. ARUDECS works with the mainstream agencies to ensure entitlements meant for the Adivasi (tribal) community. 

ARUDECS is active in wider advocacy efforts to address tribal and environmental issues. At the state level ARUDECS is a founding member of Collective Action for Forest Adivasi’s (CAFAT) and at the national level is an active member of the Ekta Parishad, National Adivasi Alliance (NAA) and the land rights movement. At international level, ARUDECS works with Indigenous People’s Groups strengthening the global movement for sustainable development. 



We envision An Inclusive Society, where the Indigenous Communities have an equitable access to rights, justice, knowledge and resources. 



Bringing Sustainable Development among Vulnerable Tribal Communities by Organising them into Collective Community Institutions to Transform their Livelihoods Centred on Forest Based Resources and Enabling them to Claim their Entitlements from the Mainstream Institutions.   

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